Ques:- Consider the following statements about natural numbers
(1) There exists a smaller natural number.
(2) There exists a largest natural number.
(3) Between two natural numbers, there is always a natural number.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
(1) There exists a smaller natural number.
(2) There exists a largest natural number.
(3) Between two natural numbers, there is always a natural number.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
A. None
B. Only 1
C. 1 and 2
D. 2 and 3
Ques:- Every rational number is also
A. a whole number
B. a natural number
C. a real number
D. an integer
Ques:- The difference between the local value and the face value of 7 in the numeral 32675149 is
A. 5149
B. 64851
C. 69993
D. 75142