Ques:- What does this mean '$^0'? tell briefly plse..
Ques:- What does the word '&myvariable' mean?What does the symbol '&' means? What's purpose of it?
Ques:- What does this symbol mean '->'
Ques:- What does the symbol '&' means? What's purpose of it?
Ques:- What is meant by 'chomp'? where do we require this ?
Ques:- Perl regular expressions are greedy what does this mean?
Ques:- Advantages of C over perl?
Ques:- What is your experience of interfacing Perl to database?
Ques:- What does this mean '$^0'?
Ques:- How do you connect to database in perl
Ques:- What is a subroutine?
Ques:- What does 'qw(..)' mean? What's the use of it?when do we use it?
Ques:- Name an instance you used in CPAN module?
Ques:- What are the benefits of having global and local variables?
Ques:- Where do you go for perl help?
Ques:- When do you not use Perl for a project?
Ques:- Given a file, count the word occurrence (case insensitive)
Ques:- What is CPAN ? What are the modules coming under this?
Ques:- What is the range of the char type?
Ques:- Difference between for & foreach,exec & system?
Ques:- What is meant 'die' in a perl program?
Ques:- What does the word '&myvariable' mean?
Ques:- What's is the use of 'require' and what does this mean?
Ques:- What is a DataHash(). What does it mean? and for what purpose it is used??
Ques:- What does this mean :'$_' ?
Ques:- What is meant by a 'pack' in perl?
Ques:- What's the purpose of -w.strict,-T?
Ques:- What does new $cur->{LINK} do?
Ques:- Why we use Perl?
Ques:- How do I set environment variables in Perl programs?
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