
Ques:- The cell division that restores chromosome number constant in further generation is
A. Amitosis
B. Mitosis
C. Meiosis
D. Direct division
Ques:- Hansen’s disease is
A. Leprosy
B. T.B.
C. Cholera
D. Bronchitis
Ques:- Which of the following is a fungi helping the plants in absorption of nutrients?
A. Agaricus
B. Anabaena
C. Gigaspora
D. Rhizobium
Ques:- Rate of photosynthesis and amount of o2 get reduced in
A. Deposition
B. Deforestation
C. Carbon assimilation
D. Carbon compound synthesis
Ques:- HIV virus is a
A. Grams virus
B. Retro virus
C. Rota virus
D. D.N.A virus
Ques:- 1 gm of carbohydrate gives energy which is about
A. 2.5 k cal
B. 4 k cal
C. 4.2 k cal
D. 8.1 k cal
Ques:- At the time of sneezing which part of human body stops functioning?
A. Kidney
B. Eyes
C. Lungs
D. Heart
Ques:- Children grow faster in the
A. Rainy season
B. Summer season
C. Winter season
D. Spring season
Ques:- Which one of the following is caused by the expression of a recessive gene present on sex chromosome?
A. Muscular dystrophy
B. Rheumatism
C. Nervous shock
D. Cerebral hemorrhage
Ques:- Chemically silk fibres are predominantly
A. Carbohydrate
B. Complex lipid
C. Mixture of polysaccharide and fast
D. Protein
Ques:- In which one of the following kinds of organisms is the phenomenon found wherein the female kills the male after copulation?
A. Dragonfly
B. Honeybee
C. Pit viper
D. Spider
Ques:- In rice cultivation, which of the following seasons occurs between June and July
A. Samba
B. Kar
C. Thaladi
D. Kuruvai
Ques:- The fifth tropic level consists of
A. Decomposers
B. Plants
C. Carnivores
D. Tertiary consumers
Ques:- Deltoid muscles are found in
A. Back of the upper arm
B. Front of the upper arm
C. Shoulder
D. Chest
Ques:- The term Fauna means
A. Animal kingdom
B. Plant kingdom
C. Neither
D. Both
Ques:- The epidermis of root is called
A. Pericycle
B. Stele
C. Rhizodermis
D. Casparian trips
Ques:- The length of the human alimentary canal is
A. 7 meters
B. 8 meters
C. 9 meters
D. 10 meters
Ques:- The lungs are enveloped by
A. Sarcolemma
B. Pleura
C. Epidermis
D. Pericardium
Ques:- The folding of cerebral cortex are
A. Thalamus
B. Pons
C. Sulci
D. Gyri
Ques:- The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. The plant is?
A. Cinnamon
B. Cinchona
C. Eucalyptus
D. Neem
Ques:- In which of the following structure the human body vermiform appendix is included
A. gall bladder
B. large intestine
C. small intestine
D. stomach
Ques:- Which component of plants receives stemulus for flowering?
A. Stem
B. Leaves
C. Root
D. branches
Ques:- Mosquito can be a vector for following diseases except
A. Yellow fever 
B. Dengue fever
C. Kala azar
D. Filaria
Ques:- The maximum fixation of solar energy is done by
A. Bacteria
B. Green plants
C. Protozoa
D. Fungi
Ques:- The initial point where the energy enters into the ecosystem is
A. Water
B. The Sun
C. Green plants
D. The soil
Ques:- Which of the following is not a part of the biotic environment?
A. Air
B. Man
C. Insects
D. Trees
Ques:- Dehydration is a symptom of
A. Anthrax
B. Cholera
C. Tuberculosis
D. Leprosy
Ques:- The disease, affecting the retina of the eye, that is considered to be hereditary is
A. Hepatitis
B. Retinoblastoma
C. Skin cancer
D. Leukaemia
Ques:- What is responsible for the secondary growth of the plants?
A. Cuticle
B. Phloem
C. Xylem
D. Cambium
Ques:- The outer protective covering of the plant body is
A. Epidermis
B. Hypodermis
C. Starch sheath
D. Parenchymatous cells
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