Team Lead/ Tech Lead

Ques:- What is Ternary Search ? They will be fast to Binary search or not.
Ques:- Given an n-ary tree , you have to search for an element in the tree without using recursion. int FindNum(node *head, int num) {
Ques:- You are given a bst where each node has a int value , parent pointer , and left and right pointers , write a function to find a path with a given sum value. Path can go from left subtree tree , include root and go to right tree as well . we need t…
Ques:- Given a string *Str of ASCII characters, write the pseudocode to remove the duplicate elements present in them. For example, if the given string is “Potato”, then, the output has to be “Pota”. Additional constraint is, the algorithm has to be in-p…
Ques:- Create a singly linked list from the Leaf nodes from a binary tree. Tree may be balanced or not. Linked List should be created in place (tree nodes should be used)
Ques:- Write a function to output the minimum string to be appended to the given string such that the new string so formed is a palindrome.
Ques:- Given a binary tree and two nodes, how do you check if there exist a path between them.
Ques:- How do you find the largest repeating string and the number of times it repeats in a given string efficiently off-course !?
Ques:- Given a binary tree convert it into double linked list
Ques:- Given a stack and any other data structure, write the code for push() , pop(), max_stack() in O(1) complexity.
Ques:- Write code to add 2 hexadecimal nos, whose digits are represented as nodes of Linked List, one digit per node… and one linked list per hexadecimal number. eg. Head->2->A->9->NULL for 2A9 Like this u take 2 hexadecimal nos…
Ques:- You have given a binary search tree. Using this tree make a sorted doubly linked list using the elements of binary tree. ( this should be done in place. That means once you are done with procedure your tree should destroy and it should be converte…
Ques:- Program to tokenize a given string
Ques:- Given an array of Integers, if u are on ith element u can make max arr jumps. If i am at an element with value zero, i cannot move forward. find the least selection to reach end of the array. ex: 1 3 5 8 9 2 6 7 6 8 9 starting with arr…
Ques:- You are given an array of size N; filled with numbers from 1 to N (in random order). One no. is missing and one no. is repeated twice. Find missing no. and repeated no. in time complexity O(n) and space complexity O(1).
Ques:- Given stwo strings, find the characters which are in first string and not in the second one and vice-versa
Ques:- Write the pseudocode and C++/Java code to mirror a binary tree.
Ques:- BST vs Hash Tables, how to decide to choose one of them?
Ques:- Middle of a linked list
Ques:- What is an AVL tree? How is it created?
Ques:- Given a binary tree, find out if the tree can be folded or not.
Ques:- Write a method to find the smallest angle between two hands when the time is given as input???
Ques:- Write a function to check if the two passed strings are anagrams of each other.
Ques:- I have a linked list contains all of the alphabets from A to Z. I want to find the letter Q in the list, how does you perform the search to find the
Ques:- Given a sorted array which is rotated circularly x times. find x very optimally
Ques:- Product date salesp1 20/Jan/1999 100p1 20/Feb/1999 200p1 20/apl/1999 100p1 20/DEC/1999 50p1 20/Jan/2000 100p1 20/mar/2000 500now i want query like product ,sum of actual year ,sum of business yearp1 450 750here actual year means 1 Jan 1999 to 31 st Jan 19
Ques:- Find the nearest sibling of a given node in a tree. Nodes on same level are siblings of each other.
Ques:- Let S={i*i:1<=i<=100}be a array of integers. A subarray T of S is called a intersting subarray if |T|=30(i.e.cardinality of T is 30)and there exist no other distinct subarray of S of cardinality 30 whose sum equal to sum(T).Write a pro...
Ques:- In a linked-list the nodes are 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 we have to rearrange linked-list so that it contain nodes are 3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7
Ques:- Write insert function for a binary search tree? Given constraint: 1. The insertion should be such that the tree remains balanced. 2. You can move any non-leaf/root node to be a leaf/non-root node.
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