System Administrator

Ques:- Given n non overlapping intervals and an element. Find the interval into which this element falls.
Ques:- Permutation Function which could print in Sorted Order.
Ques:- An array of size n+1 has integers only from 1 to n. The integers 1 to n can be present 0 or more times in the array. Find the first repeating element in the array. Restrictions: O(n) algo required. Cannot use extra space(not even O(1)).
Ques:- Consider product ratings of amazon. ( these are avg ratings out of 5, say 3 persons gave it rating of 3 4 and 5 ,the avg rating would be 4 ). For given large amount of products you have to find top ten products based on these avg ratings. No…
Ques:- Steps involved in insertion and deletion of a node from skip lists??
Ques:- Generate prime Number in range of [a,b] , more concentrate on Time Complexity of Algorithm How its O(nlognlog(logn)) Can Anyone explain in detail ?
Ques:- Code to see if a binary tree is a BST or not.
Ques:- Design a temperature control system in your house.
Ques:- Find a 8-digit number, where the first figure defines the count of zeros in this number, the second figure the count of numeral 1 in this number and so on….
Ques:- Given an Infinitely long rail track and two robots.
Ques:- What is the time and space complexities of merge sort and when is it preferred over quick sort?
Ques:- Write efficient program to find the number of divisors of number what is the time complexity of finding the number of devisors of a number..??
Ques:- Given two Points P1(x1, y1), P2(x2, y2) given a function to draw a point draw(double x, double y) and also x2>x1 write an algorithm to draw line.
Ques:- Suppose you have a M-by-N matrix (i.e. M rows and N columns), whose entries are all integers. Set all the elements of the j-th row and k-th column to 0 if matrix[k][j] is 1.
Ques:- You are given n strings. You have to find whether a chain can be formed with all the strings given namely n ? A chain can be formed between 2 strings if last character of the 1st string matches with the first character of the second string. …
Ques:- Given a matrix you have to find the shortest path from one point to another within the matrix. The cost of path is all the matrix entries on the way. You can move in any direction (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
Ques:- Given n elements & their is dependency between them it can linear or circular or any other dependency you can think of , you to explain the algorithm that tell the write order of execution of all program , he discussed about the data structure…
Ques:- Write a data structure to count number of connections on web server in last 1 minute.
Ques:- Given an array of n elements and an integer k where k
Ques:- How would you find maximum of 2 numbers without using relational operator. Now find maximum of 3 numbers, then 4 numbers.
Ques:- Given The Linked List remove the all duplicates elements from it while order should be maintained i mean 3-1-2-1-2 so o/p should be 3-2-1 e.g order of linked list shouldn't be broken & we have to return the original linked list without d…
Ques:- You are given the database which consists of names of millions of products. When a user enters a search query for particular object with the keyword say “foo”, output all the products which have names having 50% or more similarity with …
Ques:- Input -> India is a great country. Key(alphanumeric) – B2. You have to encrypt the given sentence, in such a way that only the words should be jumbled.
Ques:- Given an nxn screen, Each pixel is represented by intensity values. Given a specific pixel as an input, find the no. of pixels of the same colour which can reached from this pixel. Assume any suitable data structure for a screen.
Ques:- Ou have a Word Processor type Program. There are 2^16 fonts. Each font is associated with a 4MB geometric instruction set. This is written in a flat file. Everytime a user selects a font this file is searched linearly. Develop a program to o…
Ques:- Offered a string S of alphabets and two characters a,b discover the minimum distance amongst circumstances of them these that position of a > position of b.
Ques:- Given two rectangles, how would you find out whether one rectangle lies inside another?
Ques:- Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i. If you were only permitted to buy one share of the stock and sell one share of the stock, design an algorithm to find the best times to buy and sell
Ques:- What's the max insertion time for a hash table?
Ques:- How to convert positive number to negative and negative to positive
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