SQL Server

Ques:- Can we generate a trigger for two tables? if so what is the query to generate a trigger for two tables employye table and department table with employee having department no.
Ques:- How functional dependency is related to database table design?
Ques:- What is SQL*Loader?Difference between
Ques:- What is a dirty page and dirty report?
Ques:- What is merging?
Ques:- What is the pivot operator in MS SQL Server2005? What is the use of it and how do we use it
Ques:- How many types of system privileges are there, Can we add or delete privileges?
Ques:- What are DTS subroutines? What is their use and How do you write them?
Ques:- What is the Disadvantage of StoredProcedure?
Ques:- Explain open SQL vs native SQL?
Ques:- When do you get constraint violation? What are the types of constraints?
Ques:- Difference between “ORACLE” and “MICROSOFT ACCESS” databases.
Ques:- Can we generate a trigger for two tables? if so what is the query to generate a trigger for two tables employee table and department table with employee having department no.
Ques:- I was asked in an interview…”Suppose u have a field with UNIQUE KEY. can u leave two or more cells NULL in SQL Server 2005…If Yes then Why…if NOT then Why…..
Ques:- What is the use of Analyzing the tables?
Ques:- Give some examples of Analytical functions.
Ques:- How to create a database link?
Ques:- Difference – Primary Key and Aggregate Key
Ques:- Which of the following modules within SQL Server 2005 cannot be signed with a digital signature?
Ques:- What are data objects?
Ques:- Where does Profiler store its temporary data in SQL Server 2005?
Ques:- What is Extended Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2000?
Ques:- What does this return? select (1324 & 1024)
Ques:- What is the difference between Inner join and full outer join in terms of the Number of rows return
Ques:- How to get the list of tables in Sybase?
Ques:- What is the difference between Inner join and full outer join in terms of the Number of rows returned?
Ques:- Explain about Dead-locks in Sql Server database
Ques:- What does the Queue Reader Agent do in SQL Server 2005 replication?
Ques:- In which order do you perform an upgrade to SQL Server 2005 for replicated databases?
Ques:- What is the difference between “procedure” and “function”?
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