Software Developer/ Programmer

Ques:- Anagram: Different words containing same letters. eg., ATE, TEA, EAT
Ques:- If F and L are the pointers to the first and last elements in a linked list, then which of the following operations is dependent on the length of the list? a. delete the first element in the list b. insert a new element as a first elem…
Ques:- Find the largest common subtree of two given BSTs/BTs
Ques:- Your are given a doubly linked list such that one link points to the immediate next node and other link points to some arbitrary nodes in the doubly linked list. Write a function to duplicate such doubly linked lists.
Ques:- Deletion Of Duplicates in a BST [Adobe] Given a Binary Search Tree with many duplicates. Assume that while building the BST , the equal values are inserted in the left sub-tree. You just have the root pointer of the tree. Give an algor…
Ques:- Given a Special BT in which Each Non Leaf Node Except Root Has at-least two children .Given Pre-order and Post-order of Tree Your Task is to design the tree From the Given Information..
Ques:- How to convert a given max heap to min heap?
Ques:- You are provided with a max heap of 'n' elements with a number 'x' and 'k'…You have to find whether 'k' elements in heap are greater than 'x' or not?? Time Complexity should be O(k)
Ques:- You are given a maze filled with characters in which you can move either above or below or left or right. You have to search for words in this database
Ques:- You have to create a data structure for the following … A MS paint like program is there and the user draws a closed curve object… ….a) Store the drawn object in ur data structure ….b) Later u have to draw this object aga…
Ques:- You are given a pointer to a node of a min heap. The value of this node changes. Write a function that fixes the min heap.
Ques:- The numbers are represented in linked-list with each node representing a digit of the number as follows: 123 == 1 2 3 NULL, 999 == 9 9 9 NULL
Ques:- Suggest data structures you would use for snake & ladder game?
Ques:- Write a function that takes two strings as parameters and returns true if they anagram of each other.
Ques:- Find the number of occurrences of a given number in a sorted array.
Ques:- Write a C Program to reverse a string. Explain it.
Ques:- Find Level Sum of a binary tree and Store that in an Array? eg
Ques:- Write a Program to remove loop from linked list..program should be clean & should pass all test cases..he wants from me exact working code In O(n)..??
Ques:- Convert binary search tree to max heap
Ques:- 1) Given a stack and an input string of 1234.At any point you can do anyone of the follow i. take the next input symbol and Enque. ii. you can pop as many as you can. When ever you pop an element it will be printed (you cannot po…
Ques:- Program to tell if a singly linked list is circular.
Ques:- Given string input1, input2, remove wherever the occurrence of input2 in input1. e.g: input1: skjthshetheshetesm input2: she input1 will become “skjththetesm” Give the test cases.
Ques:- Minimum no of comparisons to find min and max in an array on n elements.
Ques:- Write a function that returns true if two given strings are anagram of each other and false otherwise. What is the time complexity of ur solution? How would you improve it?
Ques:- Compare linked list and arrays
Ques:- What is the wrong in this program?
Ques:- Main must be written as a.the first function in the program b.Second function in the program c.Last function in the program d.any where in the program
Ques:- Is there any way we can expansion other than Macros
Ques:- Write a C program which measures the the speed of a context switch on a UNIX/Linux system.
Ques:- Implementation details about unions.
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