Shell Scripting

Ques:- What is this line in the shell script do ???#!/bin/ksh
Ques:- How do you schedule a command to run at 4:00 every morning?
Ques:- What?s the command to find out today?s date?
Ques:- How do you write a while loop in shell?
Ques:- How do you search for a string in a directory with the subdirectories recursed?
Ques:- Different types of shells
Ques:- How do you send a mail message to somebody?
Ques:- How does Windows NT supports Multitasking?
Ques:- How do you find out the number of arguments passed to the shell script?
Ques:- How do you count words, lines and characters in a file?
Ques:- How do you find out the current directory you?re in?
Ques:- What?s the conditional statement in shell scripting? –
Ques:- How do you list currently running process?
Ques:- How do you test for file properties in shell scripts?
Ques:- Write a shell script to identify the given string is palindrome or not?
Ques:- How would you print just the 25th line in a file (smallest possible script please)?
Ques:- When you login to a c shell, which script would be run first? (before the terminal is ready for the user)
Ques:- How do you read keyboard input in shell scripts?
Ques:- How do you do Boolean logic operators in shell scripting?
Ques:- Using the commands ps, cut, tr and kill, along with pipes, write a command that will find all sleep processes running on the system and kill them. Thank you Archie
Ques:- How do you find out your own username?
Ques:- What does $# stand for?
Ques:- What are the different kinds of loops available in shell script
Ques:- Explain the working of Virtual Memory.
Ques:- How would you using the commands ps, cut, tr and kill, along with pipes, write a command that will find all sleep processes running on the system and kill them?
Ques:- How do you define a function in a shell script? –
Ques:- How do you stop a process?
Ques:- If you have a string “one two three”, which shell command would you use to extract the strings
Ques:- How will you list only the empty lines in a file (using grep)
Ques:- How do you search for a string inside a given file?
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