Core PHP

Ques:- What is the Diff. Between echo() and Print() in PHP?
Ques:- I have a problem in Apache on windows xp.I tried tounistall apache and install it again. But when in did theinstallation again, and tried to run apache, i get thefollowing error message, Socketaddresse can just be usedonce. Make_sock: could not build to address Nolistening sockets available.Shutting down Unable to openlogs. and i also get (error) OS2. The system cannot fine theinstalled service named “Apache2”.
Ques:- What?s the difference between sort(), assort() and ksort?
Ques:- What is DG synchronization panelplz explain the working!!!!!!!
Ques:- Does PHP support foreign key and Rollback?yes or not.if notthen why. how will you done these concept in php?
Ques:- How do I open a file to write content to?
Ques:- How to maintain the session from one page to another pagebased on the url and then enter into the first page instead of logging into secondpage it goes to the another first login session togoes to the one url and nextlogin session it goes to another url how is it possible inphp
Ques:- How to differentiate isset and empty
Ques:- Which is the Best plateform for PHP?
Ques:- What mode to use when creating dirs with mkdir?
Ques:- What is view filter
Ques:- How can I loop through the members of an array?
Ques:- Is VB.NET object oriented? What are the inheritances doesVB.NET support ?
Ques:- I have Flat file like the data, sal have 10,000. I want toload the data in the same format as sal as 10,000.
Ques:- What are the current or latest versions of LAMP ?
Ques:- How would you impletement download and upload a file in php
Ques:- What is the difference between include and include_once ? Which is one is good in terms of performance ?
Ques:- === represents what?
Ques:- How to upload a file (may be a .txt or a .doc file) from aphp script/file?
Ques:- What are in image creating functions in php
Ques:- How to detect the computer name?
Ques:- Explain about error handling in php?
Ques:- What is register_globals in php?
Ques:- How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP?
Ques:- How can we submit a form without a submit button?What is the use of obj_star?
Ques:- How to send Email using PHP with MySQL in Linux Server?
Ques:- What are the limitations or drawbacks of PHP ?
Ques:- How can we encrypt the username and password using PHP?
Ques:- How can you parse files that were not ending with .php byusing Apache?
Ques:- Is there a way to encrypt text from php?
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