Data Warehouse Developer

Ques:- Do you think this company is ambitious and if so, why?
Ques:- What are the different types of joins?
Ques:- State some of the uses append query?
Ques:- Which of the following modules within SQL Server 2005 cannot be signed with a digital signature?
Ques:- What is mapping parameter and mapping variables
Ques:- How do you eliminate duplicate values in DB2 SELECT ?
Ques:- What is Full load & Incremental or Refresh load?
Ques:- Explain the steps for this message “could not delete from the specified tables”?
Ques:- Provide me the employees list?
Ques:- Where does Profiler store its temporary data in SQL Server 2005?
Ques:- How to tell the team about his past work performance?
Ques:- Can we create clustered index on non primary key column
Ques:- How do we call shell scripts from informatica?
Ques:- What does this return? select (1324 & 1024)
Ques:- Can you any body tell me suppose database is suspect mode. how can take to normal?
Ques:- Which system table contains information on constraints on all the tables created?
Ques:- My source has 2 columns. 1st column data: ABC ABC ABC XYZ and 2nd column data: 1 2 3 4. And my target should be ABC 1 2 3, XYZ 4
Ques:- Can I use ExecuteReader() in if-else. Because in my code which is in C# ExecuteReader() in if is executing and in else it is not please tell me the solution.
Ques:- What is DML,DDL?
Ques:- What is your long-range objective?
Ques:- In MS Access, the long and short date option does not show 4 digit years. How do I achieve the mm/dd/yyyy format?
Ques:- What is the difference between Inner join and full outer join in terms of the Number of rows returned?
Ques:- How To delete duplicate record from a particular table?
Ques:- What skills do use when you need to influence the way other people think?
Ques:- Explain about the various features present in MS Access?
Ques:- Write a procedure to return the month and the number of developers joined in each month (cursor )
Ques:- What does the Queue Reader Agent do in SQL Server 2005 replication?
Ques:- In which order do you perform an upgrade to SQL Server 2005 for replicated databases?
Ques:- Describe a situation in where you had a task that was quite demanding and what was the result of it?
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